Writing my September 2024 Goals is much easier this year because it actually feels like fall!

Currently it is a cool 72° outside, and I’ve got the windows open… can we just talk about how there is no smell quite like the great outdoors!

Now we just need to have a bonfire!

We are in Virginia, so I am realistic that we are currently experiencing “false fall”


September 2024 Goals


But the good news is, that means that we’ve got time to enjoy the weather and the last bits of Summer.

For me, September is going to be about setting things up for the rest of 2024.

I know it seems dramatic, but I feel like September starts the festive season. Once kids go back to school, then it’s Halloween, and Thanksgiving and Christmas then we are all donning party hats and saying “Happy New Year!”

So – for all of us – how can we make the best use of this amazing season and get s**t done?!


September 2024 Goals

Personal Goals

  • Bake Something New – give me all the delicious fall recipes!
  • Yoga – I used to be really good about doing yoga, time to make it a priority again.
  • Books & Bonfire Girls Night – I love hosting themed girl get togethers, and I’m especially excited about this one!


Professional Goals

  • Launch Revamped Website – so excited for all the fresh new fun!
  • Strategize for Q3 – whether or not we offer mini sessions will be the big question.
  • Work on Branding Client Welcome Packet in Canva.


3 Things I am Grateful for in August

  1. Awesome photography conference in Atlanta, GA – including epic farewell dinner!
  2. Trying out a new restaurant – Neat Bird Chicken & Whiskey in Chesapeake,  yummo!
  3. Headshots for Norfolk Southern Bank – had a blast working with this crew and would love to work with more corporate clients!


September 2024 Goals


What’s on the list for your September 2024 goals?

Drop a comment below and let us know where your focus is going to be.

We’d love to see what you are up to and cheer you on with some encouragement!

If you need some help, we offer one on one mentoring, covering topics from photography to running a successful business.

You can always { Contact Us } for anything you need – even if it’s just a friendly face to say you’re on the right track!

Check Out Some of Our Recent Sessions Below!