It’s finally happened, the day you’ve been dreaming about: he got down on one knee and popped the question! So what is the next logical step, you may ask? Why proposing to your bridesmaids of course! That is, asking girlfriends to be in your wedding party in a meaningful and creative way. Amanda knew that she wanted to do something special, so I asked her to share her thoughts behind it on the blog today:
“Just as Dan proposed to me, I wanted to propose to my bridesmaids. After all, being a bridesmaid is a big commitment and the beginning of a lifelong bond – and that requires a formal proposal.
I found the inspiration for the boxed proposals from Pinterest. I found the boxes at Michaels, and collected different items over a period of time. In addition to the proposal, the purpose of the boxes was to present the bridesmaids with inspirational pieces to get them ready for the wedding. I included personal inspiration boards printed on photo paper for my colors, hairstyles, flowers, etc. I included a photo of a hanger with each girl’s name designed in wire (I am keeping the actual hangers safe until the wedding). I also included a chocolate bar, a bottle of champagne, a candle, a bracelet, some lace, two of my favorite romantic movies, and a leather bound journal. The inspiration for the journal came from one of my favorite artists, Leonardo da Vinci. His sketch work will play a large part in the design of my wedding, and I wanted the girls to have their own sketchbooks to document their memories and experiences.
Anyone that knows me will understand that I find so much joy in putting projects together and giving them to those people who are dear to me. While the boxed proposals were an “investment” they were completely worth it when I saw the tears in the eyes of the girls as the opened each piece. The boxed proposals have set the tone for the entire wedding…and it’s going to be amazing!”
I was delighted to photograph all the different elements that went into the boxes for Amanda, and am thrilled with the way they came out! These boxes are really just a sneak peek into how Amanda and Dan’s wedding will be designed/decorated! I know it will be nothing less than magical!!!
I love it!! Thank you for sharing this 🙂