Pleasure House Point engagement session are quickly becoming one of my favorite locations!
This spot offers so much photographically: tall grass, sandy trails, water views…
And that means you will get so many amazing pictures from our time together.
Win win!
Hanging out with Kimberly and Jacob was a blast, we got to explore all that this nature trail had to offer.
Get to know more about these two love birds in today’s blog.

Pleasure House Point Engagement Session
How did you two meet?
Kimberly was DD for a mutual friend at big woodys and Jake was the bouncer (his second job) and the mutual friend told Kim if she didn’t go talk to him they would do it for her. Not wanting to be embarrassed, Kim walked up to Jake (never have met him or seen him before) interrupted a conversation he was having, and told him she liked his tattoos and asked who did them… than awkwardly walked away. Later the mutual friends helped them swap numbers.
What did you do on your first date?
Jake took me to karaoke with all of his friends for our first date. Usually I am not a big fan of karaoke, but he loves it. Afterwards everyone headed to Waffle House and talked about video games and all sorts of nerd things. I ended up buying Jake’s meal, and he later confided that it was the first time a girl had ever bought him food (he was previously engaged!).
What are some of your favorite things to do together?
We love playing Pokémon together (told you – super nerds!). The two of us are always excited to try new restaurants, or new food/cooking experiences. Playing Magic the Gathering or The Sims, or just taking the time to be lazy together!
When did you know that they were The One?
Kim: Jake and I broke up and we still talked daily and hung out, I would come over and he would cook for me and we would watch WWE together; I would talk to him about him finding a new girl, going out, etc. I helped him through a lot of his dark moments with mental health and I realized that he was my person and even if he did find someone else his happiness meant so much to me. Actually one night I left went through the tunnel and he called me and I turned around and went back through the tunnel again with in 4 minutes of each other cause he said he wanted me to spend the night and he didn’t wanna be alone. I knew I would pay every toll and do whatever for him and we haven’t been apart sense.
Jake: There isn’t one moment that sticks out but plenty of little moments over the past 4 years, a lot of them are moments where I feel like I am barely hanging by a thread and Kim grabs me and puts her arms around me and just says we got it and it feels like my world is okay, when I lost someone I loved and she saw me break down for the first time she just held me and got through it with me, when money seems shitty or tight she always makes it happen or works more or reassures me we will make it and everything seems possible with her. I have never had that but when she puts her arms around me my world is okay and things will get better and I’m not alone. And I’m a workaholic and she has never tried to change me she lets me work but checks on me before I burn out.
Tell Us Your Proposal Story:
Ugh! I (Kimberly) was in the middle of a really bad depressive episode and was in bed for two days straight and Jake came in at 5 am and proposed no ring, nothing. He looked at me and said “hey do you wanna get married so you can have insurance and go to therapy” I said no (wish I was kidding!).
About 2 months later he did a proposal re-do, with a beautiful ring in our living room with our kids all around right after our middle daughter asked why we weren’t married yet and I explained you don’t need to be married to be happy. He got on one knee and asked and then our oldest yelled “fake news, this isn’t real it’s a promise ring not engagement” but he has proposed about 8 times since just for fun at restaurants or in the car or when he is cooking for me, anytime my ring was off he would grab it and propose, he has made up for the crappy first proposal and the ten year old being a poop head.
If you had to pick a word for your relationship, what would it be?
Jake : never boring
Kim: random
What are three dreams/goals for your marriage?
- Til death do us part
- Travel & vacation as a couple when children are grown
- Make other old couples jealous
- Never run out of things to talk about
Tell us what you’re looking forward to most on the wedding day:
Jake : for Me it’s not the wedding day it’s the day after and living in the bliss and being on a honeymoon with no work or kids and just being with my wife.
Kim: I am looking forward to saying our vows and hearing his and the 10-15 minutes we have of alone time after the ceremony to just be happy and with each other. Also on our one year anniversary Jakes gift to me is telling me the song he is picking for our first dance so I’m stoked for that this coming February.
Love What You See? Want to Have Your Own Session?!
If you loves seeing all the gorgeousness from this Pleasure House Point engagement session – hooray!!!
We would LOVE to create a custom portrait session for you and the ones you love!
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Can’t wait to create some magic for y’all!
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