As a small business owner, I have been so very blessed and I think it’s important to be able to give back in some small way. I’ve found that there are many (many!) ways to do that, it’s all about finding something you are passionate about and finding out how you can be involved. For me, giving back means being a part of Operation Love Reunited. There are many things I enjoy about being an OpLove photographer, but I think my most favorite part is the fact that I get to meet some amazing families and couples and be a part of their journey!
The day we did a session for the Reynolds family, it was cold and blustery, and there was a 90% chance of rain most of the day. Rebecca was worried about the rain ruining our pictures, so we were able to work with the Holiday Inn and take pictures in their lobby. That’s where we started the session (and got a bunch of really great images!), but I decided to break out of there and since it wasn’t currently raining, to head outside to get some fun pictures!
How can you not love these adorable little faces?!
We got a bunch of photos of the kiddos running around, but I really loved capturing images of the two kids with their parents. It’s my hope that one day they will look back at these photos and think about what life was life at that moment in time!
Look at daddy’s little sailor!
But my favorite thing to capture (whether I’m working as an OpLove photographer or not) are couples in love. Especially couples who have been together for a while and need a gentle reminder of “hey! Look how amazing your spouse is!!!”.
Navy Wife: the hardest job in the military!
Thank you Reynolds family for allowing me to capture your memories before daddy went on deployment with the USS Elrod. I know that it’s gonna be tough, but this deployment is going to be over before you know it and then we will be standing on the pier waiting to welcome him home.
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