Writing my June 2024 monthly goals means it’s time to lite a fire under my bum!

Not just because we are 1/2 way through the year, but also because kiddos are going to get out of school soon.

(11 days – not that anyone is counting)

Last month was pretty amazing!

I (finally) graduated from ODU with my B.S.

Not going to lie – it is amazing how much free time I have now that school isn’t an issue.


June is going to be even better with so much to look forward to:

  • my son and niece are both graduating high school
  • official start of summer (and beach photoshoot season!)


June 2024 Monthly Goals

Personal Goals:

  • Cardio 3-4 Times a Week – as it gets warmer this is probably going to look like treadmill walks because ain’t nobody got time for Virginia humidity ^_^
  • Live Music – I love seeing bands in person, any suggestions for who we should go check out?!
  • Plan a hike/getaway for the hubs and I (he’s really into hiking and nature… me, not so much)
  • Pick and cook a new recipe with Mara (this young lady is 15, she needs to learn her way around the kitchen!)
  • Do a creative date with my girlfriends


Business Goals:

  • 30 Days of Headshots – if you need a quick, easy, FUN headshot, come take advantage of our June special promo!
  • Revise yearly goals and reevaluate for the second half of 2024.
  • Post at least 4 blog posts.


Top 3 Things I am Grateful for in May:

  1. Finishing my Degree!!!
  2. Norfolk Town Point Wine Festival with my ladies!
  3. Taking my mom to see Leanne Morgan (she is hilarious!)


June 2024 Monthly Goals


What’s on the list for your June 2024 goals?

Drop a comment below and let us know where your focus is going to be.

We’d love to see what you are up to and cheer you on with some encouragement!

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You can always { Contact Us } for anything you need – even if it’s just a friendly face to say you’re on the right track!

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