We have got so many tips and tricks for how to style your Branding Photoshoot.

Trust me – we are going to take the stress out of this process and make this amazing.

Plus – as an added bonus – we are going to make it easy and fun!

To show you how it’s done, we are featuring Bethany on today’s blog.

Here is a little about this powerhouse in her own words:

“I am learning how to speak my truth without flinching.
Short hair, soft belly, Anime-watching, quilt-making, amature tree-hugger & hater of plastic.
I’m smart, funny, and a fantastic educator.
I am an expressive and focused actor.
You will soon learn that I am a Jack of All Trades.
Until more Queens look like me – I’m going to be out here challenging Eurocentric standards of beauty.”

If you want to learn more about Bethany and her mission, check out her Instagram page!

Seriously, it is amazing how much this woman is involved in.

For meow, enjoy these spectacular photos of Bethany living her best Queen Life!


How to Style Your Branding Photoshoot How to Style Your Branding Photoshoot Theatre Personal Branding Photoshoot How to Style Your Personal Branding Photoshoot Professor Personal Branding Photos Giving Yourself a Pep talk Personal Branding Photoshoot Pose Ideas College Professor Headshots Pageant Queen Headshots Miss Mid-Atlantic Headshots


So you booked a branding photoshoot – exciting! But now you’re staring at your closet, wondering, “What on earth do I wear?”

Fear not, fellow entrepreneur! Here’s the lowdown on styling your photoshoot to rock those brand vibes:


How to Style Your Branding Photoshoot

1. Know Your Brand, Own Your Style:

First things first, what’s your brand personality? Are you playful and colorful, or sleek and sophisticated?

Your outfit should reflect your brand essence, not just the latest trends. But don’t be afraid to inject your personal style too! Authenticity is key to connecting with your audience.


2. Color Coordination is Key:

Think about your brand color palette. Wearing clothes that complement these colors creates a cohesive look in your photos.

Solid colors generally photograph best, but if you love patterns, choose subtle ones that don’t clash with your brand aesthetic.

And y’all know me – I’m all pink, all the time.

So don’t be afraid to wear loud, fun colors if that is on brand for you!


3. Comfort is Confidence:

There’s nothing worse than feeling restricted or self-conscious during your shoot.

Choose clothes that fit well and make you feel confident. You want to radiate positive energy, not fight an itchy sweater the whole time!


4. Location Inspiration:

Where will we be doing your branding session?

A casual outfit might be perfect for a beach shoot, while a more formal look would work for an office setting.

Consider the environment and ensure your outfit complements it for a seamless visual experience.


5. Don’t Forget the Details:

Accessories can elevate your look, but keep it simple and intentional.

Think jewelry that reflects your brand personality or a scarf that adds a pop of color.

Remember, less is often more when it comes to accessories in photos.


Bonus Tip: Bring options! Having a few backup outfits allows you to adapt to different lighting situations or the photographer’s suggestions.


Remember, your branding photoshoot is all about YOU and your brand.

By following these tips and bringing your unique personality, you’ll capture stunning photos that truly represent your brand and resonate with your audience.

Now go out there and slay that photoshoot!


Pageant Queen Photoshoot Miss Mid-Atlantic photoshoot Pageant Queen Crown Old Dominion Theatre Professor Photoshoot Virginia Personal Branding Photoshoot Theatre Professor at Old Dominion University Virginia Personal Branding Photographer Virginia Beach Business Headshot Photographer Fun personal branding photoshoot Virginia Beach Headshot Photographer Spicy personal branding photoshoot Pageant Queen gown photoshoot Professional Headshots in Hampton Roads Pageant Girl Headshots


Love What You See? Want to Have Your Own Session?!

If you loved seeing how to style your branding photoshoot, I’m sure you are thinking – I wanna do something like that!


We would LOVE to help you tell the story of your company and show the world what makes you amazing!

Feel free to message us by hitting the { CONTACT ME } button or by giving us a ring at 757-749-5350.

Can’t wait to create some magic for y’all!

Check Out Some of Our Recent Sessions Below!