Since today is the spookiest day of the year and there are going to be so many of us out with cameras, I figured it was appropriate to do another how to photography post, this time focusing on how to capture the best Halloween photos of your little princesses and superhero’s! My biggest piece of advice is don’t be afraid to go overboard with your pictures! In tricky lighting situations, you will probably get more bad shots than good ones. But the good ones that you are able to capture are likely going to be gems. So click, click, click away!
Perfect isn’t Really
When it comes to Halloween pictures, things don’t have to be perfect. Costumes that are too big, masks that don’t sit just right and hats that are constantly falling into your little ones face… those are all things that you will remember and cherish when they grow up.
Try Something New
Tomorrow, your Facebook news feed will be chock full of Halloween photos that all (essentially) look the same. Help your images stand out by trying different angles or perspectives. Instead of shooting down at your little one looking up at the camera, squat down and take a photo at their eye level.
Find Your Focus
Before pressing the shutter button, ask yourself: what is the focal point of this picture? What do we want the view to see first? This is useful for examining the frame to decide what should be included (or excluded) in order to emphasize your subject.
Fill it Up
Halloween is all about drama! So don’t be afraid to get in close and fill your frame with your subject. Whether you choose to take pictures of people or scenery, getting in tight will add some pop to your image!
Life is in the Details
There are so many things that can distract us at Halloween that we can often miss the little details, such as all those spiders hanging from the ceiling, tiny hands gripping a fist full of candy, or little feet excitedly running to the next house. Don’t feel like you only have to focus on photographing costumes, you can also capture decorations, close ups of food, carving the pumpkins, and kiddos passed out at the end of the night.
Capture the Aftermath
Once the last doorbell has been rung, and the last “trick or treat” has been shouted, and the kiddos are back home; don’t forget to take a few more pictures. Rooting through their bag of goodies, the chocolate smeared faces and hands, and the inevitable candy coma that will follow (which will give you a chance to grab out the candy you want 😉 )
These pictures are wonderful and beautiful!