I’ve said it before, I grew up in a large family (seven kids and my parents), and – if we’re being honest here – I didn’t always enjoy having a big family. But now that I’m a grown up (oh my gosh, did I just say that?!), I know that when it comes to having a happy holidays, it’s really the people we surround ourselves with that make the season joyful! Rosemary is the matriarch of the family, and as if being a mom to 4 kids wasn’t enough, she’s also serves our country as a member of the Navy, and works alongside her handsome and hysterical partner in crime, Jeremy.
Working with kids can sometimes be challenging, but this adorable group of munchkins makes my job easy! The kiddos were pretty patient with me sticking my camera in their faces and trying to get them to smile (again), right up until the very end of the session. I loved chasing them around and trying to get the perfect little smile out of each of them 🙂
Once the kiddos had finished with their photos, we decided to try and get a few pictures of Jeremy and Rosemary. Now you wouldn’t think this would be terribly difficult, so let me set the scene for you: imagine gazing lovingly into the eyes of the person you love. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining and warming your face. The photographer is telling you to think about that moment when you first fell in love; you’ve got the perfect set-up for a perfect picture.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that amidst all this romance, you’ve also got two kiddos who are crying and just want to go home.
But Jeremy and Rosemary did awesome, and were able to shut everything else out enough to get some adorable photos together.
Thank you for sharing your family with me Rosemary and Jeremy, I love spending time with you guys and feel privileged to be able to document these special growing up years.
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