The last month of summer, and that means August 2024 goals are on the blog.

Between tons of beach photoshoots (tis the season) and teaching two photography classes, this summer has been busy.

I am hoping to intentionally rest in the month of August, before fall starts next month.

To that end, I hope to do a museum date, beach/pool time, read fiction books, enjoy slow mornings… things that make ma happy.

In between capturing all these stunning photoshoot for clients of course.



August 2024 Goals

Personal Goals

  • Beach Day with the Kids – we haven’t made it out to the ocean for a beach day yet, time to make it happen!
  • Back to School Shopping – you’d think it would be much easier with just one kid… I’ll let you know how it goes.
  • Finish my Current Book (The Beautiful People) and find the next book to read – open to suggestions!


Professional Goals

  • Continue Blogging – I pre-wrote a lot of blogs, now to actually get the content posted.
  • Attend Bokeh Photo Summit photography conference in Atlanta, GA.
  • Kick off Free Business Mentoring this Month (yay!).


3 Things I am Grateful for in July

  1. Awesome craft night with friends
  2. Busch Gardens trip with the fam-jam
  3. Attending the Virginia MOCA Made in VA Art Opening


August 2024 Goals


What’s on the list for your August 2024 goals?

Drop a comment below and let us know where your focus is going to be.

We’d love to see what you are up to and cheer you on with some encouragement!

If you need some help, we offer one on one mentoring, covering topics from photography to running a successful business.

You can always { Contact Us } for anything you need – even if it’s just a friendly face to say you’re on the right track!

Check Out Some of Our Recent Sessions Below!