How are we already here with our July 2024 goals – and 1/2 way through the year to boot!

Summertime is usually a lot of fun here in Virginia Beach.

Hello beach season!

Beach not your thing? No problem!

Pool, lake… pretty much any body of water is awesome for keeping cool and beating the humidity.

Another way we love spending our evenings is sipping craft cocktails at local spots.

Some local Virginia Beach favorites are Waterman’s Spirits, The Raleigh Room for Ladies Night, and Quemar Cocina.

Now, let’s get onto the subject at hand – crushing goals in July!


July 2024 Goals

Personal Goals

  • Craft Night with my Ladies – this was actually on the agenda for last month, but there just wasn’t time, so July it is.
  • Drink Lots of Water – ain’t nobody got time to get dehydrated.
  • Try a Salsa Dancing Class – I’ve been talking about this forever, time to make it happen.


Professional Goals

  • Write out 3rd Quarter Goals.
  • Free Monthly Mentoring Sessions – One of my goals is to give back, let’s do this!!!
  • Business Networking Events – at least 2


3 Things I am Grateful for in June:

  • My son Jett and niece Kiera graduating high school.
  • Got new family canvas’ up on the wall in my studio!
  • Fresh tomatoes from my garden (perfect with the basil I grew and mozzarella).


July 2024 Goals


What’s on the list for your July 2024 goals?

Drop a comment below and let us know where your focus is going to be.

We’d love to see what you are up to and cheer you on with some encouragement!

If you need some help, we offer one on one mentoring, covering topics from photography to running a successful business.

You can always { Contact Us } for anything you need – even if it’s just a friendly face to say you’re on the right track!

Check Out Some of Our Recent Sessions Below!