I know we are getting ready to dive into our May 2024 goals, but first I have to say where I’ve been for the first quarter.

The beginning of 2024 has been pretty intense.

For those that don’t know, I’ve been working on getting my degree from Old Dominion University for the last 3 years.

I finally finished everything (getting a B.S. in Leadership), but it was an extremely stressful last semester.

Add onto that, our middle son Jett is graduating from Tallwood High School, and then it’s right into summer fun.


And that’s just the reader’s digest version!


Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s go ahead and dive into our May 2024 goals!


May 2024 Goals

Personal Goals

  • Daily Walks – whether it’s on my treadmill or outdoors. I wanna get those steps in!
  • Plan a special dinner for Mother’s Day on May 12.
  • Yoga – I love how relaxing it is, and the practice really makes me feel great.


Professional Goals

  • Gear up for another 30 day headshot campaign in June (yay!).
  • Blog More – get ready because there are so many gorgeous sessions are about to hit the blog 🙂


Something I want to be more intentional about is being grateful.

In that vein, here are a few things from last month:


Top 3 Things I am Grateful for in April:

  1. Family Cruise to the Caribbean over spring break.
  2. Finishing my College Degree (yippee!).
  3. Getting a bunch of new plants and veggies for the backyard!


What’s on the list for your May 2024 goals?

Drop a comment below and let us know where your focus is going to be.

We’d love to see what you are up to and cheer you on with some encouragement!

If you need some help, we offer one on one mentoring, covering topics from photography to running a successful business.

You can always { Contact Us } for anything you need – even if it’s just a friendly face to say you’re on the right track!

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